Inspection standard of seamless steel pipe

Steel pipe geometry and shape inspection: ① Inspection of steel pipe wall thickness: micrometer, ultrasonic thickness gauge, no less than 8 points at both ends and record. ②Examination of steel pipe outer diameter and ovality: caliper, vernier caliper, ring gauge, measure the maximum and minimum points. ③ Steel pipe length inspection: steel tape measure, manual and automatic length measurement. ④ Inspection of steel pipe curvature: straightedge, level (1m), feeler gauge, thin wire to measure curvature per meter and full length curvature. ⑤ Inspection of bevel angle and blunt edge of steel pipe end face: Square, card board. Steel pipe surface quality inspection: 100% ① Manual visual inspection: lighting conditions, standards, experience, signs, steel pipe rotation. ②Non-destructive inspection: a. Ultrasonic flaw detection UT: It is more sensitive to the surface and internal crack defects of various materials with uniform materials. Standard: GB/T 5777-1996 Level: C5 b. Eddy curr...